Acquisition of Maltese Citizenship Rights

Can an applicant ever apply for the acquisition of Maltese citizenship by naturalisation?

Yes, a beneficiary may submit an application for the acquisition of Maltese citizenship by naturalisation after continuously residing in Malta for a minimum period of 5 years. S/he should have resided in Malta throughout the 12 months immediately before the date of application and 4 years out of the preceding 6-year period. S/he has to be knowledgeable in spoken/written English or Maltese, of sound mind and of good conduct.

The Minister has the discretion, according to the Law, to grant or refuse the application. It does not, therefore, mean that if such person satisfies the said conditions s/he would automatically be granted citizenship by naturalisation. The Minister’s decision is based on internal policies, whereby amongst other requirements, the number of years could also be a feature in the examination of the relative request.